Monday, April 11, 2011

Hanna Bernhard Turtle Pin

Up Date: For my readers who concerns about ordering Hanna Bernhard customized pieces, I got the answer from them : "If anyone wants to order a piece from us, they are very welcome! You can write to us through our site or directly to our address :"
To know more details, check out their post, here.

In Asia, the turtle represents cosmic order: its shell is symbolic of the enlightenment/heavens, its body symbolic of earth, and its under-shell represents the underworld. The turtle has been known as a symbol of longevity, protection, strength, and patience. To me, its a symbol for being lucky. I've noticed that every time when I see a turtle, a good thing will come to me. Is it too superstitious? Anyway, I love turtles.
I adore this Hanna Bernhard turtle pin. It also can be a pendant necklace. Hanna Bernhard jewelry is always special.
It was on the stand.
I wore this outfit long ago to meet the Hanna Bernhard team for lunch when they visited Dallas; my old Dries sweater, old Marni shoes, MMMargiela, and F21 legging.

Photos were taken by my husband and me.

Wishing you all a longevity and a lucky life!!!xo...Hanh!

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