Monday, August 16, 2010


We had an amazing time in Paris. My kids enjoyed the city very much. This is a long post with tons of pictures.
It was perfect that there was a summer fair at Tuileries Garden, just cross from the hotel where we stayed on Rue de Rivoli.
Cotton candy is a must-have when kids go to the fair.
We did a lot of fun rides and games.
Here it comes! Taking pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower.
At Palais-Royal. Yes, another day at the Eiffel Tower. We had dinner at the restaurant on top of the tower, the Julds Verne. It was awesome. The kids really enjoyed it.
They did some silly poses and enjoyed the night at Eiffel Tower.
We took a boat ride along the Seine river. Then sitting beside the river enjoying the city. Oh, too much sun! One more picture before bed time from our balcony.
This is the view from our room. Our room faced Tuileries Garden and we had an awesome view.
More views from our room.
and more. The Louvre was in our view.
More...yes, we could see the entire Rue de Rivoli.
Mona Lisa at the Louvre museum.
Huge Monet panting at L'Orangerie.
Took the kids to visit Notre Dame cathedral. This is the back side.
Opera House is ahead.
Place Vendome column.
Place de la Concorde.
Arc de Triomphe is ahead.
The spiral stairs lead to the top of Arc de Triomphe.
The Avenue des Champs-Elysees seen from the top of Arc de Triomphe.
Some angles of the louvre at night.
Looking straight to Tuileries Garden from the Louvre.
Eiffel Tower at night.
Eiffel Tower day time.

Thank you everyone for visiting and your comments. Wishing you all a fabulous day ahead!! Kisses...Hanh :)

ps: kids's clothing from Crewcuts-Jcrew

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